A New Language of Nonduality


“Truth is the Sound that Silence makes in the flow of the Now, the momentum of the Eternal. Truth is that which is known to be wholly immutable and non-contradictory through imperience and experience, through innerstanding and understanding. Truth categorically transcends the realm of being untrue. Truth is the pure, open sky wherein the variegating clouds of untruth are revealed and perceived. TRUTH is that which gives meaning to the evolutionary strivings of our soul.” (From my FB quote 9/1/10)

In the beginning was/is not (the) Word; in the beginning was/is Thought or Sound. Sound is that which creatively alters states of existence, while Silence is the potential state of Sound. Word is the Realization of Sound that frees us from the bounds of language. When we are at one with the point of Sound’s origination, we recognize that Sound self-realizes through us as Word. In the beginning is (the) Word in this sense. The Word is the secondary beginning, while the Sound/Thought is the primary beginning, and the Silence the beginningless beginning or before the beginning. This is how you-as-a-Cosmic Vision comes forth to transform the states of life.

Sebastian Shaumyan, a prominent linguist the creator of Semiotic Linguistics, defines language as a ‘folk model of the world (or reality)’. He states: “The domain of Semiotic Linguistics is human language conceived of as a folk model of the world. By a folk model of the world we mean that every language is a particular conventionalized form of the representation of the world imposed on all members of a language community by the social need to have a common instrument of communication. The folk model of the world is in fact a collective philosophy unique to each language.” —Signs, Mind, and Reality (2006).

That which Shaumyan calls the “folk model” is in accord with the common definition of the term “paradigm.” Therefore by definition, a new language, a new folk model, a new paradigm, cannot be developed by a single individual by himself/herself or a group of several individuals by themselves. The creation and development of a new language is tantamount to the creation and development of a new language community. The new language creation is a new language community creation—a synergetic and participatory evolutionary process.

Many a visionary individual has spoken or written in a uniquely creative way expressing a uniquely creative thought/sound including the non-dual imperience/experience and vision, some of whom forming small language communities, wherein people thought and communicated (spoke and listened) in a new way which was different from the ordinary egological-rationalistic modalities. The new language/new language-community creation is taking place today, of which many leading-edge thinkers partake, each in a uniquely significant way.

The language and knowledge of the consciousness blessed with a nondual imperience-experience obtains two unique qualities: “distinction without diremption (separation)” (my terminology) and “knowledge through identity or knowing by being.” One of the Japanese terms for spiritual awakening/enlightenment is “satori (さとり)” which means the “voidance (tori) of distance, difference, or diremption.” It is the Consciousness’ (or the Authentic Self’s/Atman’s) at-one-ment with itself. It is the Consciousness being conscious of itself without any self-objectification or self-objectivization, which is analogous to a source of light self-illuminating without shining light upon external objects.

From the perspective of Yogācāra, Consciousness is Universe and therefore Consciousness’s at-one-ment with itself is at once Universe’s at-one-ment with itself. Consciousness knows itself by being itself—Universe knows itself by being itself—this is knowledge through identity.

Further, the identity of Consciousness and Universe implies the identity of epistemology and ontology, of epistemo-logic and onto-logic. Therefore, in the universe of dynamic multiplicity that cosmologically exists, the ontic/ontological distinctions that exist are (understood to be) identical with the epistemic/epistemological (perceptual/conceptual) distinctions that are made.

These distinctions are distinction without diremption (separation) or differentiation. Diremption and differentiation are a class of conceptual distinction. This distinction is pre-differentiation in the sense that it is more experientially primordial. At the same time this distinction is post-differentiation or trans-differentiation in the sense that it is a more advanced conceptual understanding.

A trans-rational mind, a trans-rational language, will emerge out of our sustained engagement in authentically) thinking by dwelling in the imperiencing/experiencing of this distinction-without-diremption/differentiation. Then, the universe will en-presence as the ultimate simplicity as the dynamic multiplicity (advaya—“not two”).

One exquisite example of this distinction-without-diremption is Dogen’s Being-Time (Uji) in his Shobogenzo (my translation The Treasury of Illumined Visions). Dogen presents the distinction-without-diremption of Be-ness and Time-ness or Being and Timing/Becoming. To a Consciousness that is whole and nondual, Being is (in) Becoming; Becoming is (in) Being.

This is one of Dogen’s many original insights and utterances arising from his highly original phenomenological deconstruction-reconstruction of the Japanese-Chinese languages (of which he was a master) used in the Buddhist literature. He literally re-languaged Buddhism using Japanese-Chinese to unfold and unconceal hidden or deeper meanings of the Buddhist scriptures. However, we must not forget that Dogen lived in and operated under the feudalistic fourth stage D-Q/Blue existential program (of Gravesian/Spiral Dynamics model of human development), which we must transcend and from which we must free ourselves. That is, no more external higher authorities and gurus.

All those subject/object, interiority/exteriority, self/no-self, and form/emptiness contrapositions are the complementary polarity distinction-without-diremption/diferentiation that constitutes the Infinity-Continuum that is Consciousness, or the Infinity-Continuum that is Being.

Our language is based on particularity, that is, on “thingification” or “entitification.” Therefore, for instance, most people have a difficulty conceiving of the electron as a (standing quantum) wave (continuum), while they have much less difficulty or no difficulty conceiving of it as a (subatomic) particle. This is to say, our “particular” language is not suited for the conception and description of non-particular continuum or infinity.

The new language of non-duality and transrationality will be a language of continuum and infinity, which contains, as a derivative subset, a language of particular or corpuscular things and entities. Then, the ancient spiritual scriptures will be rewritten in this new language and in the process will be transformed.

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