Survival of the Misfittest


The fittest to survive in a world where tomorrow is the repetitive extension of yesterday and today are the unfittest to survive in a world where a fundamental change is occurring and wherein a new tomorrow is aborning, which tomorrow no one knows and for which no one is prepared.

A new tomorrow is created by generations of misfits, the creative minority, who can stand alone against the stagnating devolutionary majority devoted to or complacent with the status quo, who can withstand the poignant insecurity of embracing the unknown and uncertain, and who can develop the power to shape a new future not out of mere dissatisfaction with the present but out of original visions of new possibilities.

History is made and a new future is created always by such misfits. If you are one of them, do not react to the present conditions but scale the depth of your soul and live your life as an expression of your evolutionary passion and creative vision. The misfits are the fittest to survive and thrive in a world in the flow of creative evolution.

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