Every participant of the Mastering Inner & Outer Freedom courses is tasked with exploring, developing, and living his or her own Philosophy of Freedom.
In Mastering Inner & Outer Freedom 1, the participants have engaged in the work of rethinking the philosophical ideas of the West constituting the ideological basis of The Declaration of Independence & The Constitution of the United States, including the introduction to the philosophies especially of Epicurus & Spinoza and of Lao Tzu & Chuang Tzu.
In Mastering Inner & Outer Freedom 2, the participants have engaged in the study of the philosophies of the East, the philosophy of self-realization, through Shobogenzo Genjokan and Bhagavad Gita that are paradigmatic paths of Spiritual Awakening essential for attaining Inner Freedom.
Further, they have engaged in the study of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, through Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which is foundational for the origination of new consciousness of the future.