
The New Evolutionary Portals

A transparadigmatic transfinite exploration into the new kind of humankind

Humanity has entered an entire new phase of spirituality and spiritual evolution for which all of the ancient and modern spiritual traditions are simply inadequate or insufficient. You and I are an evolutionary bridge to a new kind of humanity that will come to be born in the next several generations. All my courses are an experiment in remaking ourselves in the mold of the new kind of humankind.

We were each born as a new portal for the possibility of being human. This possibility can only be realized through the cultivation and culmination of our individual singularity which is our own unique genius. We were thus born endowed with the potential for the realization of our genius through our self-cultivation and self-culmination.

The act of self-cultivation and self-culmination is the act of self-bestowment of genius. And that which is endowed must become bestowed in order to be realized.

When you were born you were actually only reproduced in the long chain of sexual reproduction across a vast span of time extending back to time immemorial. You were not yet really born when you were born. You come to be really born only when you give birth to your own self through the act of self-bestowing your own genius.

Genius is another name for soul. When you were reproduced, you were reproduced only with a potential for having your own soul. You must ensoul yourself to have a real, authentic soul.

Development of your own soul or bestowment of your own genius is the sacred promise with which and as which you have come into this world. To live a life of fulfillment is to fulfill this sacred promise.

In the 21st century, this self-bestowment of our genius, this self-ensoulment, takes on a unique new dimension—the dimension of SINGULAR WE. “I am that I am” is no longer sufficient. It is I AM THAT WE ARE beyond “I am that I am.”

The WE becomes the evolutionary fulfillment of your authentic singular individual self, as you as a Monad contain the Whole and hence humanity and the world.

The WE is not the collection of I’s. The SINGULAR WE becomes and is the authentic self-identity of the singular authentic I. In the SINGULAR WE both limited individualism and collectivism are transcended.

THE SINGULAR WE is the new evolutionary portal that is designed to completely unify individual and collective transformation in the creative spirit and practice of your signature infinite play for the eventual creation of Omnicentric Synarchy—Sovereign Integral of Sovereign Individuals.

Beyond enlightenment, there is eternal wonderment. In eternal wonderment, there is playful engagement in the genetic-epigenetic field of cosmic creation and evolution. The purpose of engagement is engaging to play together. The experience of engagement is creative enjoyment. The outcome of engagement is the ongoing transformation of WE.

Let the play begin! Let’s play!

(December 2014)

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