Today so many people are frustrated, angry, and depressed. Though understandable, they need not be, because they are each a Source of the Light of Awareness within and without.
Inner Awareness
Despite all the politico-economic calamities happening in the world, Reality contains the Grandeur and Beauty that is transcendental. The Universe is dramatic, that is, suspenseful, and the cosmic drama of this Dramatic Universe is categorically greater and more magnificent than all the human drama, which is a phase of the cosmic experiment in the evolution of consciousness.
Your world, that singular world, which appeared with your birth and will disappear with your death contains, and is contained by, the Universe with all its Beauty and Grandeur. Every singular moment of your life contains, and is contained by, the Eternal and the Infinite. And with this realization, there emerges a sense of Awe, Reverence, and Gratitude.
Outer Awareness
“Reversal is the movement of the Tao.” – Tao Teh Ching (Verse 40).
Heraclitus had the same realization, which Joannes Stobaeus called Enantiodromia – when a movement reaches its extreme, it reverses its direction. Heraclitus wrote, “Cold things warm, warm things cool, wet things dry and parched things get wet.”
Today the movement of tyranny is fast reaching and in many areas has reached its extreme on the global scale. The Movement of the Tao, the Reversal, the Enantiodromia, is now taking place, which is no longer invisible. This is the collective dark night of the soul that humanity is enduring but the dawn will come.
It is crucial and necessary that we align our mind and consciousness with the Enantiodromia, the Reversal, the Movement of the Tao, toward Liberty that is gaining momentum, and think and act from that consciousness, that awareness, while remaining cognizant of the happenings of the world.