A war is being waged between the destructive forces of Tyranny and the creative forces of Liberty.
This war is as much political as psychological. A tyrannical program has been enrooted and infixed into the governance and the constitution of human consciousness, depriving it of its innate longing for liberty, for freedom, and for evolution.
For millennia, the powerful forces of tyranny have triumphed over the feeble forces of liberty, politically and psychologically.
An entire new way must be created in the human mind and consciousness that will bring about a victory of liberty over tyranny. Nothing that has been done in the past will accomplish this victory, for the forces of tyranny know the human nature so well that every possible way of which we can think from the past is known and hence forestalled.
We, the People of and for Liberty, must understand that there is a pathway to liberty for humanity, but it is a creative pathway, not any kind of “resistance”. As the adage goes, “What you resist, persists.” Carl G. Jung goes even further: “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.”
What is required, instead of resistance, is a conceptual leap, not in its entirety, but in its invocation and innovation of the novel framework that initiates the evolutionary vector of Liberty. It is a clarion call to the consciousness of those with the commitment to Liberty and the strength of character to stand up, alone, within their own consciousness, and decide, unequivocally, that the tyranny shall no longer be tolerated and ever allowed to continue.
Tyranny exists on the basis of a systemic lie. It survives because people are made to believe that lie to be true. The systemic lie of tyranny is that the power that controls and determines your life and your worth exists outside of you. This external power, the external authority, is called the “God” psychologically and the “State” politically.
Once you believe in this lie, you have only two existential choices: Either you be an agent of tyranny, i.e., of “God” or “State”, that is, priest or minister, or politician or bureaucrat, under various designations and titles, on different levels of social status inside an artificial hierarchy; or you be a victim of tyranny, i.e., a psychologically enslaved member of the masses, suffering from the collective Stockholm Syndrome and serving the purpose of the powers-that-be as useful idiots or fools.
The truth is that you are cosmically responsible for your life, and that your true self-worth can never be authentically determined by the external authority or other people or society, but only by yourself. The truth is that the full recognition, conscious acceptance, and willful exercise of self-responsibility comprise the necessary investment that yields the ever-growing wealth of individuality, sovereignty, freedom, and liberty.
The polarity of liberty versus tyranny, with deep philosophical significance, corresponds to the polarities of truth (honesty and integrity) versus falsehood (mendacity and hypocrisy), morality versus immorality, and rationality versus irrationality. The pursuit for liberty is thus concomitant with the pursuit of truth, morality, and rationality.
The creative pathway to Liberty is developed by self-responsible sovereign individuals working alone in communication and partnership with other self-responsible sovereign individuals, in alignment beyond agreement, without forming any kind of herd with a herd mentality, hive mind, or groupthink.
The society consisting of sovereign individuals that synergetically emerges and develops is (what I call) the Omnicentric Sovereign Integral characterized by dynamically evolving individual responsibility and freedom, and politically constitutional rights and liberty.
The triumph of liberty over tyranny in politics will come when a critical mass of psychologically free sovereign individuals come together to responsibly express their internal freedom, demand external liberty, and act with courage, valor, and fortitude to construct an Omnicentric Sovereign Integral.
Namasthe Dear Yasuhikoji,
I have been appreciating your outlook and have common ground with space of realizations, from which you have been seeing and acting.
Yasuhiko!! Thank you for your always brilliant contribution for our conscious development!! I do agree about building an Omnicentric world, based on integrity. This, in fact, sounds as a natural destiny in the counciousness evolutionary process – when we will be finally able to recognize ourselves as “cosmic identities having human experiences”…. as we learn from you!
Taking the idea for this current situation, the highest challenge (to me) seems to be this: we still look to the actual reality with “polarized” lenses – like god x devil, tirany x freedom – meaning we’re still thinking from linear thought. We tend to see that “tirany” or “freedom” is existing in someone or somewhere else, and we are not part of it… avoiding and denying to perceive that all this, at some level, is also inside ourselves. By being leaded by such polarized perspective, aren’t we still nursing the ‘confusion’ we are trying to dissolve? Just thinking: who could state veemently “I am in total integrity, I am fully free and creative,… I am out of this disgusting system”….?
Maybe if we just look that we are still in the unfolding process of discovering HOW to develop integrity, in such world…. HOW we can find a way to minimize misery and corruption inside ourselves, on that subtle forms of disconnections with people around us and alto with ourselves… I jut thought that if we could assuming that we are STILL FIGURING OUT what integrity really means in pratical life (while we need to deal with “system” and “integrally” survive to it) we may have more chance to help ourselves and to help each other – recovering from a damaged psycosphere and recovering the world by recovering ‘each of us’. Really.
It may take some time… 😉
Thank you for this space to share!
Maybe the main point is just that we still need to (re)learn in lage scale HOW to fully use our faculties – tangilbe and untangible (such as inteligence, creativiness, memory, perceptions, intentions, etc) to serve LIFE, and NOT to make it miserable!! 😉